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Door Lock (2018) the Korean remake of Sleep Tight

⟪Door Lock⟫ is a Korean thriller which is a remake of Spanish film ⟪Sleep Tight⟫.
However, these are very different movies. ⟪Door Lock⟫ lacks the evil virtue of ⟪Sleep Tight⟫.
It brought only the material from ⟪Sleep Tight⟫, which a stranger stays in a female's home while she is asleep.
Some people complained why the filmmakers didn't copy and paste ⟪Sleep Tight⟫, but I think that it is better to change the story because these filmmakers are not capable of reenacting the creepy philosophy of ⟪Sleep Tight⟫. Plus, I really wanted to stop watching this movie and leave the theater but I had to be stuck until the end because the story was not going the same so I had to see the ending. And the ending is, of course, different and anybody can anticipate what it will be.

The main character in ⟪Sleep Tight⟫ is a janitor but a woman who became his interest is the heroine in ⟪Door Lock⟫. the Heroine in this Korean remake is a very passive person who always thinks slow, moves slow and does nothing. Yes, a very average person. People of this type usually die at the beginning of a thriller. This time, a person of this type is a hero leading the movie. So we can expect that she would do something else that other heroes don't. Anyway, she is a heroine. However, she was doing only things that an extra is supposed to do in order to die at the beginning of a horror film. For it makes this movie narrates easily. It is like this: while she is chased by the villain, she found a huge ax near her. Instead of swinging it, she ran away from the ax to let the villain grab it. Nice!
It is similar to ⟪Eden Lake⟫ or ⟪NH10⟫. There are many warning signs but they don't listen and do whatever they feel easy!
⟪Sleep Tight⟫ is very different. The sleep tight guy is a hero who has the motive to live and act. so skip ⟪Door lock⟫ and go ⟪sleep tight⟫.


DoorLock 2018


Korean Thriller

director: Kwon Lee
actor: Hyo-jin Kong


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